JL Like 4.0.0
We are pleased to announce that a huge update of the social buttons plugin for Joomla - JL Like version 4.0.0 has been released. The update is relevant for Joomla 3.
This news combines two at once, on the one hand we stop supporting and developing JL Like PRO, and on the other hand, all the functions that were in the paid extension go into free. Therefore, JL Like 4 becomes the most functional of the free extensions of social buttons for Joomla, if you find a more functional one, write to us.
What's new in JL Like v4.0.0?
- Merger of JL Like PRO and JL Like.
- Added support for K2, ZOO, Easy Blog, VirtueMart, JoomShopping, ADSmanager.
- Added all the output features that were in JL Like PRO.
- Created on .