Сomponent of social login v2.5.0
A new version of Joomla social login component - Slogin version 2.5.0. Update for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.
In this version we took into account customer feedback, as well as to correct any problems found with providers of social authorization.
What's new in Slogin v2.5.0?
- Add avatars Yandex - Now if your application displayed the corresponding rights, the avatar will be taken from Yandex.
- Add support for email on LinkedIn - added the ability to receive email from a social network.
- Add classes and styles Slogin component.
- Add lang IT for module - added the Italian language for the module.
- Updated plugin LinkedIn - resave the application and add a return URL.
- Updated plugin Yahoo - updated plugin Yahoo added a new API, for the performance required to regenerate the keys.
- Changed language variables.
- Fixes in removing only Slogin component.
- Fixes for IE browser.
- Fix captcha K2.
- Fix moduleclass_sfx.
- Fix bug when canceling the authorization.
As a result of optimization and removal of unused code has become more compact Slogin 400 KB of code. :-) Join the development component on github.
- Created on .