Update Slogin v1.8.1
We are pleased to announce a free component to authenticate via social networks "Slogin" version 1.8.1 . Update is for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.
The update fixes some bugs and adds new features .
What's new in Slogin?
- Added support for authorization Yahoo - in the pact includes a new plug authorization protocol oauth, through service Yahoo.
- Added css stylesheet component Slogin - before "Slogin" styles used only system Joomla. In this version we have added their own styles for a component Slogin.
- Changes CSS - some changes css styles for authorization module .
- Bugfix - fixed bugs that users have told us .
- Corrections plug Ulogin.
- Corrections plugin Google - fixed reverse link formed in the admin panel plugin.
- Support plug repost social networks , Facebook and Twitter - to work this function requires a commercial plugin JComments Slogin Repost.
In preparing the release of a great work , thanks to all those who helped to prepare this release . We hope that you enjoy the new features.
- Created on .