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  • JL Social Interlock, version 1.1 with Joomla 3 support

JL Social Interlock, version 1.1 with Joomla 3 support

The Joomline team is happy to announce the release of the JL Social Interlock plugin next version 1.1 with Joomla 3 support.


We have been working at this release for quite a period of time trying to improve the stability of its operation in social networks after the social interlock has been unlocked, we did our best to fix as many bugs found by our users in the social interlock as possible.

Version 1.1 has a number of service improvements wich enhance the stability of Social Interlock plugin, as well as enrich the functionality features of the extension.

  • As for compatibility with Joomla 3 issue: we were constantly requested to provide support for this version of CMS; to this end, we had to implement many changes and many compatibility modes, so now the plugin supports Joomla 3.0.
  • We fixed all the bugs reported to us by the users.
  • We enhanced the stability for social interlock unlocking when used in VKontakte and Facebook.
  • We added text encryption for complete hiding of the text.

For more detail please read the description on the official Social Interlock web page.

  • Created on .

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