Google - setting up social authorization

Google - setting authorization through Google services

Beforehand it is required to set up a plug-in. Manager of extensions => Manager of plug-ins => group of plug-ins "slogin_auth" => plug-in "Social Login Google auth".

Go here and create new project. Enter it's name and click "API Access" on the next page. Hit the "Create an OAuth2 client ID" button, enter name (can be the same as project) and choose "Web application" as type. Now click on "More options" link, enter your site URL and put http://mysite/?option=com_slogin&task=check&plugin=google as Callback URI. Now get Client ID and Client Secret and enter them in corresponding fields in component settings. Save settings and enable Google login.

We create the google application.

Google - setting up social authorization

Configure google app.

We go through the menu the name of the application => APIs & auth => credential

Create a new Client ID:

To do this, select oAuth 2.0 client ID and Web application in it.

Google - setting up social authorization

It gets a picture like this:

QIP Shot Screen 148 12.11.15

We get client_id (Client ID) and secret_key (Client Secret).

Attention!!! make sure the backlink (Redirect URIs) is:

http://mysite /?option=com_slogin&task=check&plugin=google

Set the product name and email:

In the tab: "OAuth consent screen"

Fill in "Product name"

Select your email in the "Email address" field.


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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