Errors Slogin
Displays error authorization through a social network: Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_var() in site/components/com_slogin/controller.php on line 534
Check feature is enabled filter_var(), also note that for the correct operation of component requires PHP 5.2 and higher.
When authorization error: Error - empty access tocken или Error: oauth_token not set.
This means you have entered a wrong key, username or other parameter responsible for communicating with the application social network.
During authorization, through a social network is displayed white page, or nothing comes off infinite loading page.
The problem is hosting probably closed external connections to the server from other servers, or from social networks. Refer to the hosting provider and ask the question "is not blocking requests from the hoster social network, social network can he is on the list of excluded sites."
Errors: The redirect URI in the request
You have specified an invalid parameter "Redirect URIs". See the FAQ on setting up social networks.
Error 504
This error has nothing to do with the configuration of a component or component at all, problems with hosting.
ERROR: CURL library not found!
The problem is hosting, you do not have a library cURL. Refer to the hosting provider.
Specify the name of the product, as well as specify the email settings in Google.
APIs & auth" -> "Consent screen" you have empty field "PRODUCT NAME" - you need to select e-mail address as well.
After forwarding the application to the site, a white screen. If you refresh the page site, then the user is authorized to Joomla. The same problem on error "Fatal error: Class 'JAuthenticationResponse' not found in'.
/components/com_slogin/controller.php alongside other jimport add jimport('joomla.user.authentication');
Or in the component settings to disable the setting "Run event onUserLogin".
Authorization does not happen, but in Joomla and Slogin created.
This is not a bug Slogin, is a database error that often occurs when you migrate from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5. To fix this problem you need to perform SQL queries:
UPDATE `#_assets` SET `parent_id`=1 WHERE `parent_id` = '0';
UPDATE `#_assets` SET `parent_id`=0 WHERE `title` = 'Root Asset';
In place of # to enter the database prefix your site.