Installation and Setting JL Content Fields Filter

Installation JL Content Fields Filter

  1. Download and install the filter pack using Joomla installer.
  2. Publish the system plugin «System - JlContentFieldsFilter».
  3. Publish the module «Filter module JlContentFieldsFilter».

General configuration JL Content Field Filter

The output of the field in the filter is controlled in the field settings:
Content -> Fields -> Select the required field -> Tab "Filtering params"

  • View in the filter - you can change the logical type of the field in the filter, let's say you have a "Radio" button, and you need to "Select", this will change the logic of the field.
  • Individual layout - customize the individual layout is designed to add flexibility in customizing the appearance of the filter, let's say you have several lists of choices and you need to do so that they are decorated differently.
  • Excluded categories - you can select categories in which you do not want to show the field in the filter modules.

Setting Range (filtering by range from and to)

  • Content -> Fields -> Create field "Text" -> In the main settings, select "Filter - Integer"
  • Tab "filtering settings" -> View in the filter "Range"
  • Individual layout "range" - if you just need two fields with the ability to specify values from and to, or rangenouislider - if you need to select filtering by a range from and to with sliders.

Setting module JL Content Fields Filter

  • Select the position in which it is necessary to withdraw a module and binding to the menu items.
  • Setting «Show category» limits the display filter in certain categories of articles (ed. note: the module is only visible on the category and article page component com_content, it is not displayed on other pages of the website).
  • Setting «Form method» is accountable for the way in which the filter conditions will be transmitted. If you select «GET» then the filter conditions will be transmitted via browser search bar, if you select «POST» then the filter conditions will not be visible in the search bar.
  • Setting «Auto send» is accountable for the behavior of the filter when selecting the filter conditions. If you select «Yes», then after each change of conditions there will be content filtering, if you select «No», then the filtering will happen only after pressing the button «Send form».
  • Setting «Ajax filtering» is accountable for how the articles will be filtered. If you select «Yes», then content filtering will occur without reloading the page, if «No», then the page will be reloaded completely to filter the content.
  • Setting «Ajax container selector» is needed when choosing an ajax filtering. Here you need to enter the unique ID of the main container that displays the content. The ID is written according to the rules of writing CSS selectors.
  • Setting «Enable ordering» displays a selector in the module that allows you to choose the ordering of articles during filtration.

Advanced filter module settings

  • Number of columns - allows you to specify the number of columns for the checkbox field.
  • Ajax-loader - change the picture that displays the process of filter operation when ajax loading of materials.
  • Load CSS - the ability to turn off the CSS module.

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